Kumadori is the way of making up done with Chinese Kyougeki and the Japanese Kabuki.
Paint red , blue, black to the face, and exaggerate feelings. 
Red shows justice courageously , blue shows a grudge and evil .     

隈取りカード  Kumadori cards
※筋隈2 Suji ※半隈 Hankuma ※猿 monkey
筋隈1 Suji 公家悪 Kugeaku むきみ Mukimi
火炎 Kaen 般若 Hannya 土蜘蛛 Ground spider

歌舞伎グッズ Kabuki goods
※かつら wig ※かつら2 wig
※和傘1 umbrella ※下駄 wooden clogs ※太鼓 drum ※和傘2 umbrella
※キセル pipe

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